Our return address:

9 Coolnagard avenue


BT78 1GA


United Kingdom



Returns Policy

Where an item is faulty, please return it to us within thirty days of receipt. Your right to return items to us in accordance with these terms and conditions, is in addition to any other statutory rights you may have.

If you are eligible for a refund, we will reimburse the price you paid for the product via your original payment method. Alternatively, we may offer a replacement and resend it free of charge. Please note it is not our policy to offer both.

Refunds cannot be given if the fault is a result of your own actions such as product misuse or, if any personalisation is mis-spelt or if you have uploaded an image of a low resolution or size.

Refund Disclaimer

If You breach, or We believe you have breached any of these terms and conditions you will not be eligible for a refund on any amount paid to Us.

Amendments & Cancellation

Although we will endeavour to make any requested changes to your order we are unable to do so once the Service has been initiated and/or completed. For the avoidance of doubt we are unable to offer any refund or amendments where the Service has been initiated or completed prior to you advising of any Amendments or Cancellation.

We advise you to contact us as soon as possible should you require a change to the Service of wish to cancel but such Amendments or Cancellations will be at our absolute discretion.