Instagram NFC & QR Card


  • Step 1.Choose lanyard color
  • Step 2.Insert you link what need to be programed to your card
  • Step 3.”use template” to generate your QR code and make changes in your design
Invalid value, min: 1 Invalid value, max: 100

Please check invalid fields and quantity input or choose a different combination!

Summary options

{{field.title}} : {{field.value_name}}
( cart fee )
( for all items )
Options price / 1 item
Quantity Discount / 1 item
Final price / 1 item
Cart item fee / all items
Subtotal price / {{_qty}} items

Table pricing

From Up to Price / 1 item
{{pt.from}} {{pt.up != '**' ? pt.up : 'or more'}}
How would you like to design your Instagram NFC & QR Card

Design here online

  • - Already have your concept
  • - Customise every detail
SKU: HF5VHOFGI-2-2-1-1-1-1-2-1-1 Category: Tags: , , ,
How would you like to design your

Upload a full design

  • - Have a complete design
  • - Have your own designer

Design here online

  • - Already have your concept
  • - Customise every detail

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